About Us
Your Child Is in Great Hands
A community based nursery
Our nursery is unique as it is a community based, voluntary managed setting, which depends on the goodwill of parents and their involvement to keep going. The management of the setting is run by a parent management committee meaning parents get to influence the way the nursery is run. The members are elected by the parents of the children who attend the setting. The elections take place at our Annual General Meeting which is open to the parents of all the children who attend the setting. It is our shared forum for looking back over the previous year’s activities and shaping the coming years plan. The committee comprises of Chairperson, Treasurer, Secretary, general members and a Fundraising Team.
The committee is responsible for:-
ï‚· Managing the setting’s finances.
ï‚· Employing and managing the staff.
ï‚· Making sure that the setting has, and works to, policies that help it to provide a high quality service.
ï‚· Making sure that the setting works in partnership with the children’s parents.
Safe and stimulating
Our objectives are to ensure that each child is cared for in a safe and stimulating environment. We ensure they ï‚·receive a generous amount of care and attention through a high ratio of qualified staff to children. Each child is given the opportunity to interact with other children and adults, so that they can live, play, work and learn together.
Children areï‚· assisted in their learning and development by being encouraged to build on current knowledge and abilities. Each of them ï‚·has a ‘Key Person’ who is effective in ensuring that they make good progress.
Intrinsic to our objectives is creating a setting where parents are partners who work together in helping each child to learn and develop and where parents help to shape the service it offers.
Funded Early Education
Eligible working parents of two-year-olds can now access 15 hours funded early education and childcare (over 38 weeks a year) from the term after their child's second birthday.
Once your child begins the full term after their third birthday they will be eligible for the Universal Funded Early Education for 3 & 4 year olds. This qualifies your child for up to 15 hours funded hours a week at nursery. Some parents may also be eligible for 30 hours funded childcare which is an extra 15 hours a week (Working Parent Entitlement) on top of their 15 hours Universal Funding. You can check if you are eligible by visiting here.
If you are not eligible for the extra 15 hours Working Parents Entitlement funding for 3&4 year olds, you can extend your hours above the 15 hours Universal Funding and pay our hourly rate of £7.20 for additional hours. Please check www.childcarechoices.gov.uk to find out more about tax-free childcare.
For more information on Funded Early Education please contact the Nursery Manager, Leigh Mitchell, or the Department for Education (DfE).
Health & Safety
Children's health and safety is of paramount importance. Handwashing is an important part of our routine. We ensure all children wash their hands before snacks and meals and after toileting. Handwashing facilities are always accessible to the children.
Each day we carry out a risk assessment of the premises. We keep all surfaces and equipment clean and hygienic and a ‘Toy Cleaning Record Log’ is completed daily with regular inspection of the condition of toys/resources.
We strive to exceed the ratio of adults to children that is set by the Safeguarding. and Welfare requirements of the EYFS (2021).
Healthy Eating
We provide a healthy snack for the children at about 10am every day. These snacks are varied and include fresh fruit or vegetables accompanied by either buttered wholemeal bread, bagel, rice cake, crackerbread or cracker to name but a few! The children are offered water or milk with their snack. We of course take into account any food allergies in our choice of snacks and follow the Governments guidance using the Healthy Eating Standards.
As we very much like to promote healthy eating we request that sweet drinks, sweets and chocolate treats are not provided in lunch boxes. As our policy states we reserve the right to remove these items from a child’s lunch box until collection time. We also request that no nut products are included in your child’s lunch box because of contact with children who may have food allergies.
Snack time and lunches are a social event at which children and adults eat together. Drinking water is available throughout the nursery day.
Our Ethos
Children will learn through independent play, routines, conversation, and awe and wonder
Children will be outdoors as much as possible
Children will be supported to be independent in their self-care
Children will be supported to learn by doing things just beyond what they are capable of
Children will be allowed to take responsible risk-taking, and set their own challenges
Children will be praised for their effort rather than their product
Children will be supported to problem solve, physically, mentally and emotionally
Children will be given ample time to practice their newly acquired skills
Children will be supported to make choices, resources will be easily accessible
Children will be listened to and supported to listen to others
Children will be supported to collaborate, to be kind, caring to others and the environment and show empathy